About Ashtangaby

I was born on an island and raised by humans. When I was a kid I had an imaginary two-legged cat who liked to wear overalls and hats.

I used to chainsmoke and I was really anxious and jittery.

One day, I moved to a deserted island and my front yard was a magical bay where tiny shark juveniles swam between my legs in the shallow water by the shore.

Being alone with untamed nature made me understand ONEness. The sand, the sharks, the plants, the water, the humans, the moon, the tides, the deformed wildcats and boars, we were all creatures and matter made from the same raw ingredients.

Sometimes I pray to this island. And it speaks to me.

On the island, I dreamed of the name Saraswati and I did not know what it meant. I wrote about it in my journal and one day, I ripped out the page and placed it on an altar.

I traveled and traveled. I marveled and suffered.

And then, at the age of 32, I found Ashtanga yoga.

The journey starts here and this blog is an effort to document and share my experience of living.

With love,

Gabriela Díaz Musmanni

Chatham Bay: Window to Heaven

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